Saturday, March 29, 2014

Strange Fruit at the Redfern Biennale

In mid February I responded to following call out:

We invite you to participate in the inaugural Redfern Biennale 2014. 
For one day only the Damien Minton Gallery presents a cluster fuck of ephemeral  

artworks placed around the streets of a Redfern NSW Housing Commission precinct.

We invite you to contribute an artwork you are willing to place on the street for one day.
It can be a readymade, sculpture, multi media, new media, painting, found object, 
performance, (or even a cobweb you spot) of any size or shape.

Be prepared for your piece to be 'taken' on the day.
Here is my response to this one day happening. 

Strange fruit, 2014. Felt and wool. 60 x 60 x 70cm (installation dimensions variable).

Head to for accompanying exhibition essay by Yellam Nre, Clusterfuck Aesthetics: The radicality of garbage. 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Better images of scatting inspired out door sculpture in the Hunter Valley

I took these images when we went back to deintall and collect. These images give a much better idea of scale and nice to see people interacting with the work.